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Airbnb’s Brian Chesky has a ‘brilliant’ solution for those feeling alone at work

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky talked about the loneliness that employees feel in the workplace asserting that he has a “brilliant” solution for this. Talking on a podcast, he said that bosses should find two employees who perform well together and put them on the same team. 
He said, “I often do pair people. Four years ago, we hired two creative directors. They worked together as like a duo… It worked so well that I started thinking about this notion of duos in other areas.”
The Airbnb CEO said, “Sometimes it’s just hard for one person to be a unicorn, to be able to do everything, but if you could create duos, they could cover each other’s strengths. So giving people a shared journey to be on together I think is really important… It’s a brilliant idea.”
Speaking on the podcast, Wharton psychologist Adam Grant said that having one friend at work is enough as it reduces loneliness. 
He said, “And what really hit home for me… was the idea that I don’t always need to have a deep connection with everybody on my team. I need to have one person who I know has my back, who relies on me, as well as being someone that I can rely on. I think that we’ve designed so much of work around teams that we’ve overlooked the importance of relationships of pairs.”
